Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral or Postdoctoral Fellowships

Instructions for completing an application – form 201

Note for fall 2024: If you are applying through an eligible Canadian institution, you must confirm directly with your institution their policy on official transcripts and whether or not unofficial transcripts will be accepted as part of their internal review process. For the review process at NSERC, applications submitted with unofficial transcripts will not be rejected.

On this page

General information

About the program

Important: form 201 must be submitted electronically.

The NSERC online system will open in late July, within five business days of the launch of the funding opportunity.

Read the relevant program description for the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral program or Postdoctoral Fellowships program before you complete the application.

For more information, refer to the application process Resource videos and Frequently asked questions for applicants web pages.

Use form 201 if you are applying for

  • Postgraduate Scholarships – Doctoral (PGS D)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF)

If you are interested in a Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS D), apply for a PGS D. There is no separate application form or process for the CGS D program. If your application is one of the highest-scored applications, you will be offered a CGS D.


If you have questions or concerns regarding your eligibility to apply, communicate with NSERC staff well in advance of the application deadline by sending an email to

Application deadlines

If you are applying through an institution, you must submit your application by the deadline set by the institution. If you are applying directly to NSERC, you must submit your application before 8:00 p.m. (ET) on October 17. If the deadline falls on a weekend or on a federal holiday, applications must be submitted before 8:00 p.m. (ET) the following business day.

If you are contacting your current and/or former institution(s) to obtain supporting documentation (for example, transcripts and proof of registration, reference letters, etc.), it may take time for them to provide you with the information requested. It is advisable to plan ahead and obtain these documents in time to submit your application by the deadline.

Where to apply

For the PGS D program, you must apply either through a Canadian institution or directly to NSERC, depending on your registration status on the application deadline date and/or your registration status during the calendar year of application. Failure to submit through the correct channel will result in your application being rejected. The majority of applications are submitted through a Canadian institution. If you have questions, communicate with NSERC staff well in advance of the application deadline by sending an email to

For more details, refer to the three-page document, Where should I submit my application?, the Application procedure section of the CGS D program web page and the Application profile section of this page.

When completing the Application profile  section of form 201, you will be asked to indicate your current status. This status determines the channel through which your application will be submitted. Application deadline dates are different in each scenario. For details, refer to the NSERC PGS D program web page.

For the PDF program, applications must be submitted directly to NSERC.

Note: If you submit your application directly to NSERC, NSERC will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. If your application is submitted through a Canadian institution, the status of your application will be reflected on the Portfolio page of your online application.

Presentation standards

On each page of the online application, you will find instructions and tips on how to complete your application. Some of the sections require free-form text and must be converted to portable document format (PDF) and appended electronically to the application. Documents that have been password protected cannot be read and, therefore, cannot be attached. Do not password protect documents you plan to attach to your application. The filename of a document should be fewer than 15 characters long and cannot contain special characters (excluding the underscore). It is your responsibility to allow enough time to resolve any formatting issues in advance of the deadline. Any section that is not used for its intended purpose may be redacted or removed from the application.

You are responsible for submitting a complete application that conforms to the NSERC online presentation and attachment standards. Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet presentation standards may be rejected or may be at a disadvantage in comparison to those that are complete and respect the presentation standards.

With the exception of personal contact information, no changes or updates to your application will be accepted once it has been submitted to NSERC, either before or after the deadline. However, personal contact information may be updated by sending an email to

Personal information

The information you provide in your application is collected under the authority of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act.

The collection, use, disclosure, retention and disposal of your personal information are outlined in the following policy statements:

For more information, refer to the Personal Information Banks described in NSERC’s Info Source.

Help with program information

Help with the NSERC online system

  • Consult the frequently asked questions on how to use the online system.
  • Review the instructions available in the application.
  • Contact the online services helpdesk by sending an email to or by calling 1-855-275-2861. Include your email address and telephone number in your message.

Completing the application

Application profile

Title of proposal

The title may be used for publication purposes. It should describe the subject of the research for which you are seeking support. It should not contain a company or trade name. Spell out scientific symbols and acronyms.

Proposed start date of award

Indicate the date on which you plan to take up the award if your application is successful. See the Start date section of the Tri-agency research training award holder’s guide for details and available start dates.

Current status - PGS D only

You must choose one of the following that applies to your situation. This selection will determine whether your application is submitted through a Canadian institution or directly to NSERC. Failure to submit an application through the correct channel will result in your application being rejected.

Options for applying directly to NSERC:

  • Option A: You are currently registered at an institution (Canadian or foreign) without a quota for NSERC.
  • Option B: You are not currently registered in a degree program and you were not registered during the calendar year of application in a degree program at a Canadian institution with a quota for NSERC.

Options for applying through an eligible Canadian institution with a quota for NSERC:

  • Option C: You are currently registered in a degree program (including if you are on an approved leave of absence) at a Canadian institution with a quota for NSERC.
  • Option D: You are not currently registered in a degree program but were registered during the calendar year of application in a degree program at a Canadian institution with a quota for NSERC.

For more details, refer to the three-page document, Where should I submit my application?, and the Application procedures and Quotas sections of the CGS D program web page.

If you have questions about choosing the correct submission channel, email NSERC staff at for guidance.

Person profile

Personal identification number (PIN)

All NSERC applicants have received, or will receive, an NSERC PIN. Refer to your PIN each time you apply for an award and in future correspondence with NSERC. If you have not previously applied to NSERC, leave the field blank and a PIN will automatically be assigned to you by the online system. If you have previously applied to NSERC and do not remember your PIN, contact the online services helpdesk. If you have your PIN, log on to the NSERC online system. Then, go to the eConsole web page, select Maintain user profile under Account management and enter your PIN. It will then appear on the Person profile page of your application.

Note: Your NSERC PIN is different from your application ID. Every application created and submitted is assigned a unique application ID, but your NSERC PIN remains the same.

Collection of self-identification data

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strengthen research communities and the quality, social relevance and impact of research. Self-Identification Data Collection in Support of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion provides information on the diversity of the population applying for and receiving agency funds. This data is important for monitoring our programs and informing measures to increase EDI among all those involved in the research enterprise. You are asked to complete two sets of self-identification questions prior to submitting your application: a self-identification questionnaire, whose data is used for general statistical purposes and additional consent questions, whose data may be used to improve equity in funding outcomes and/or to identify recipients for targeted scholarship and fellowship funding opportunities.

Self-identification questionnaire:

  • Self-identification data is collected as part of the application process and is not seen or used either by the NSERC review committee members or by your references. You will not be able to submit your application if you have not completed the self-identification questionnaire. If you did not complete the questionnaire when you created your account, you can find it by returning to the eConsole web page and selecting Maintain user profile under Account management.

Self-identification statement:

  • Institutions are permitted to recommend an unlimited number of applications from self-identified Indigenous* student researchers to the PGS D program above their application quota. To be considered for this, Indigenous student researchers must provide consent within the application form to share this information with their institutions and NSERC.

Additional consent questions:

  • To address systemic barriers that limit the full participation of all talented individuals, NSERC aims for the proportion of short-listed and funded applications from those who self-identify as members of underrepresented groups to be at least similar to the proportion of applications received from these groups. This rebalancing of proportions is only used as needed and only for meritorious applications. Underrepresented groups may include women and gender minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities/racialized groups, and members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. If you consent to your self-identification data being used in this way, you must indicate this in the application form.
  • To be considered for programs or additional funding targeted at underrepresented groups (for example, the NSERC and L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science supplement, additional support for Black scholars, etc.), you must give your consent to use your self-identification data in the application form.

For more details, consult the information on Collection and reporting of self-identification data in the Data section of NSERC’s Equity, diversity, and inclusion web page.

* “Indigenous peoples” is a collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants. “Aboriginal peoples” is also often used as a synonym. For the purposes of this program, NSERC uses the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982 definition of Aboriginal peoples as including the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.


If your current mailing address is temporary, indicate the leaving date. If your address changes after submitting your application, inform NSERC by sending an email to

Academic background

Include only current and past programs.

  • If you are currently registered in a program starting in the fall session of the year of application, it must be included here.
  • For degree programs you have completed, provide the date on which all requirements of the degree were met, including successful defence and submission of the corrected copy of your thesis (in accordance with your institution’s regulations)—not the conferred or convocation date indicated on your transcript. Your faculty of graduate studies (or its equivalent) may be asked to confirm this information.
  • If you began a master’s degree and transferred to a doctoral degree without completing the master’s, select "Yes" in the Transferred to Ph.D. without completing master's field. For your doctorate, the start date will be the date on which you were first officially registered in a PhD program.
  • If you have more than one bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree, indicate the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) degree(s) in the area of research for which you are applying for funding in the appropriate Type of degree section, specifying Bachelor’sMaster’s or Doctorate, and indicate the other degree in the Other degree section.
  • Under Name of discipline, indicate the complete, exact title of your program of study (for example, PhD in psychology – cognitive psychology).

For PGS D, provide transcripts for every degree listed in this section.

For PDF, provide transcripts of doctoral studies only.

For more information, refer to the detailed requirements in the Transcripts and proof of registration section below.

Academic, research and other relevant work experience

Indicate how you gained the experience (for example, during a program of study).


Scholarships and other awards offered

List only competitive awards based on academic or research excellence and/or leadership or communication abilities (including NSERC awards and declined awards). You may list up to ten awards, starting with the most recent. If a listed award has an associated monetary value, list the full monetary value, not the annual stipend.

If awards are likely to be unfamiliar to the review committee members (for example, international or specialized awards), further details may be provided in the applicant’s Contributions and statements section. If you do not have any awards due to your institution, region or country not offering institutional, local or national awards, further details may be provided in the Special circumstances section.

Proposed location(s) of tenure


Specify a maximum of three proposed locations of tenure. You may take up your PGS D at any eligible Canadian institution (refer to the list of eligible Canadian universities), or at any eligible foreign institution, provided you have received a previous degree from a Canadian institution.

CGS D awards are only tenable at an eligible Canadian institution. If you are offered a CGS D award but decide to take it to an eligible foreign institution, and are eligible to do so, you must decline the CGS D award to be offered a PGS D award in its place.

For more information, refer to the Proposed location(s) of tenure section of the PGS D program web page.

Note: Under Program of study, indicate the complete, exact title of the proposed program (for example, PhD in psychology – cognitive psychology). Consult the Eligibility criteria for students and fellows web page for information on eligibility of the proposed program.

Specifications regarding programs of study: Joint programs with a professional degree (for example, MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, JD/PhD, MBA/PhD) as well as clinically oriented programs of study, including clinical psychology, may be eligible. For more information, visit the Program of study section of the CGS D program web page.


Specify a maximum of three proposed locations of tenure. If your PhD was granted by an institution outside of Canada, only locations of tenure within Canada are eligible.

For more information, refer to the Proposed location(s) of tenure section of the PDF program web page.

Note: You may not be supervised by your PhD supervisor during your PDF award, even if your supervisor has moved to a different research institution.

Justification for location of tenure

PDF only

  • All PDF applications must include this section.
  • Provide a detailed rationale for your choice(s) for location of tenure. You are encouraged to focus on how the proposed location(s) of tenure will contribute to your overall professional development and career goals (for example, the relevance of the training environment to your professional and research development, the areas of expertise of the proposed supervisor(s) and how these will broaden your own research expertise and skills, etc.). You may also outline the steps you have taken (if any) to communicate with the proposed supervisor(s).
  • NSERC encourages PDF award holders to broaden their research experience by gaining exposure to different research environments. You are not permitted to hold your fellowship at the same institution (or its affiliated hospitals, research centres and other laboratories) where you received your doctorate. However, you may include a request for an exception in this section that will be considered. The request must be based on medical reasons (for example, proximity to required health care facilities), family reasons (for example, a spouse’s career) or scientific reasons (for example, availability of specialized equipment) that make it extremely difficult for you to leave a particular institution. Note that even if your exception is granted, you cannot be supervised by your PhD supervisor. You are strongly encouraged to include an alternate location of tenure for your award in case your request for an exception is not approved.

Scholarship or fellowship information

In the Scholarship or fellowship information page of your application, provide the required information.

Theses completed or in progress

In the Thesis information page of your application, provide the full title and summary of your most recent thesis completed. If you have not completed a thesis at the bachelor’s or master’s level, please provide the full title and summary of your in-progress thesis. If you are describing an in-progress thesis, include only work that has already been done; do not repeat the information provided in the Outline of proposed research section.

For PGS D, describe your bachelor’s (honours) or master’s thesis in this section. If you did not complete a previous thesis, you may describe one of your major research projects or papers, or you may describe the work done to date on your doctoral degree.

For PDF, describe your doctoral thesis in this section.

Keywords and research subject code

In the Keywords and research subject code page of your application, choose up to ten keywords and the research subject code that most closely corresponds to your proposed research. These keywords help NSERC staff assign your application to the most appropriate scholarships and fellowships review committee members. The keywords may also be used to identify candidates for certain supplements. Consult the supplement descriptions (refer to the postgraduate programs and the postdoctoral programs web pages) for more details.

Each NSERC scholarships and fellowships review committee is associated with a specific set of research subject codes and research disciplines. The research subject code entered on your application will determine the review committee in which your application will be evaluated. Consult the List of research subject codes for scholarships and fellowships web page.

NSERC may assign your application to a different review committee if it determines that the subject matter is more appropriate for another review committee. Should this happen, you will be contacted by email.

Note: If your research is in animal biology and psychology:

  • select code 5501 (neurophysiology) for neurophysiology related to biological sciences
  • select code 6308 (behavioural neuroscience) for neurophysiology related to behavioural sciences

Equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in the research process

Considering equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the research process promotes research excellence by making research outcomes more ethically sound, rigorous, reproducible and useful. It is important to consider EDI through each stage of the research process including, but not limited to, the research questions, design, methodology, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of results, and integrate these considerations where relevant. For more information, consult the Equity, diversity and inclusion considerations at each stage of the research process section of the NSERC guide on integrating equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in research web page.

In the Equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in the research process page of your application, you will be asked if EDI considerations have been taken into account at any of the stages of the research process for your proposed research.

If you answer “Yes,” you should ensure that you include the relevant EDI considerations in your proposal and use the text box to explain your answer.

If you answer “No,” you will be provided with a text box to explain why EDI considerations have not been taken into account.

Important notes:

  • If EDI considerations are not relevant to your proposed research, their lack of inclusion will not negatively impact the evaluation of your proposal.
  • This page is intended for EDI considerations in the research process. EDI considerations in your research team and/or research environment should not be described in the text box.

Outline of proposed research (attachment – two pages maximum)

In the Outline of proposed research section of your application, provide the requested information according to the guidelines and format standards outlined in the NSERC online presentation and attachment standards web page.

Provide a detailed yet concise description of your proposed research project for the period during which you are to hold the award. Be as specific as possible. Provide background information to position your proposed research within the context of the current knowledge in the field. State the significance of the proposed research to a field or fields in the NSE. State the objectives and hypothesis, and outline the experimental or theoretical approach to be taken (citing literature pertinent to the proposal) and the methods and procedures to be used.

In addition:

  • Your research must be in the NSE.
  • You should not repeat the information found in the Theses completed or in progress page, but you may refer to it.
  • Include all relevant information in the outline. Do not refer review committee members to URLs or other publications for supplemental information. Such additional information will not be reviewed.
  • If the proposed research is a continuation of your thesis, clearly state the differences between work done for your thesis and the research activities outlined in this proposal.
  • Write your proposal in clear, plain language, and avoid jargon. Your application will be evaluated by a review committee covering a broad discipline category.
  • NSERC expects you to write your research proposal independently and to properly reference ideas or text belonging to others.
  • NSERC encourages you to seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors.

Bibliography (optional attachment)

NSERC expects you to properly reference ideas or text belonging to others. Use this section to list references to works that are cited in or directly relevant to your Outline of proposed research (that is, do not list additional or unnecessary references to fill up the space). Follow the citation conventions that are appropriate to your research discipline or field.

For PGS D – five pages maximum

For PDF – one page maximum

Justification for eligibility of proposed research (optional attachment – one page maximum)

This section is reviewed by NSERC staff only. It is not shared with the review committee.

Complete this section if your research has any link, overlap or relevance to health or social sciences and humanities (for example, psychology, management studies, geography, physical education, biomedical engineering, health sciences, bioinformatics, biostatistics, etc.). Use this section to explain, in plain language, why you have chosen to apply to NSERC as opposed to one of the other federal granting agencies (Canadian Institutes of Health Research [CIHR] or Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [SSHRC]). Describe the NSE research challenges of the project on which you propose to work during the tenure of your scholarship or fellowship. Clearly explain what you will be doing and why it should be considered research that is predominantly NSE.

It is strongly recommended that you refer to the Selecting the appropriate federal granting agency web page and the Addendum to the guidelines for the eligibility of applications related to health web page for more information about the agencies’ mandates. Give particular attention to the guidelines for the eligibility of applications related to health and psychology, if they are applicable to your research. For important information about the eligible fields of research, consult the Eligibility criteria for students and fellows web page, including the Eligibility criteria for proposed research and programs of study section.

In cases where the proposed research is deemed to fall within the mandate of either CIHR or SSHRC, NSERC may reject your application. If you or your supervisor have received previous funding from NSERC, this does not mean that you are automatically deemed eligible for continued NSERC funding. As you advance in your studies, if the focus of your research changes from NSE to the health or social sciences and humanities areas, you may no longer be eligible for NSERC support.

Note: Proposals that include the use of methodologies, tools, techniques and knowledge from NSE are not automatically considered eligible for NSERC support. The proposed research must clearly be intended to advance knowledge in NSE.

Contributions and statements (attachment)

San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

NSERC is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). To promote NSERC’s support of research excellence in Canada and incorporate the principles of DORA, NSERC has developed Guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring. The guidelines highlight NSERC’s commitment to excellence in research funding and aim to ensure that a wide range of research results and outcomes are considered and valued as part of the assessment process.

In the Contributions and statements section of your application, provide the requested information according to the guidelines and format standards outlined in the NSERC online presentation and attachment standards web page.

Given the page limits, be selective and summarize information where appropriate. You must provide information in the three parts listed below. The maximum number of pages you are permitted to use for all three parts is:

  • PGS D – two pages
  • PDF – four pages

Provide the required information using the specified headings below in the order indicated.

Part I – Contributions to research and development

Begin with your most recent contributions and list each entry on a new line. Do not include any contributions that are currently in preparation or articles on which you do not appear as an author. Use the following headings in the order indicated:

  1. Articles published or accepted in peer-reviewed journals
  2. Other peer-reviewed contributions (for example, communications, papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, posters)—do not repeatedly list the same proceeding from multiple conferences, proceedings for future conferences or your thesis
  3. Non-peer-reviewed contributions (for example, specialized publications, technical reports, preprints, conference presentations, posters, articles submitted)
  4. Technology transfer
  5. Contributions resulting from your participation in industrially relevant R&D activities
  6. Awarded and submitted patents and copyrights (for example, software, but not publications)

Use the following format:

  • Full authorship as it appears or as it will appear in the original publication (with your name in bold)
  • Year
  • Title
  • Publication name and volume
  • First and last page numbers


I. Contributions to research and development
a. Articles published or accepted in peer-reviewed journals

Li, H., Surname, X.X., and Kay, M. (1994) Protein-structure interactions in cell membranes. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 269: 1120-1124 (PhD work).


  • Publications: Indicate the date of acceptance or submission and the number of pages
  • Patents: Include the title and names of joint inventors
  • Posters: Indicate the presenting author with an asterisk (*). Example: Surname, X.X.*
  • Conferences: Indicate whether institutional, regional, provincial, national or international. Make a distinction between oral and poster presentations
  • In all cases, indicate whether the publication resulted from work done in the process of completing your undergraduate, master’s or doctoral degree or from other relevant work experience
  • Co-authored publications: Briefly specify your role in joint publications or explain the rationale or practice for the order of authors in the publications listed. You may use a percentage to approximate your portion of the contribution instead
  • Updates to your publication record will not be accepted after the application has been submitted

Review committee members do not obtain extra information (such as seeking updates to the publication status of research papers or visiting external websites linked to within the free-form sections) for the applications they are reviewing.

Technology transfer letter

Many contributions to industry or other end-users take the form of technical or internal reports that are confidential, to protect proprietary information, or are subject to patent or copyright protection. If your record includes contributions of this kind, and these cannot be elaborated upon in your application for confidentiality reasons, you may include a one-page letter from the institution or company involved, attesting to the confidential nature of this contribution. If you are applying directly to NSERC, you can send the letter separately from your application to If you are applying through a Canadian institution, you must send the letter to your faculty of graduate studies (or its equivalent).

You must forward the following instructions to the individual writing this letter:

  • The letter should be no longer than one page
  • The letter should attest to the nature and significance of the contribution in as specific terms as possible (without disclosing confidential or protected information)
  • The letter is not a reference letter and should not address research or leadership skills beyond the scope of your contributions to the confidential or protected work
  • The letter will be forwarded to the review committee for consideration only if it clearly addresses and demonstrates the confidential or protected nature of the contribution

Part II – Most significant contributions to research and development

From the contributions listed in Part I, describe up to three that you judge to be your most significant contributions to research and development. Note that a group of contributions listed in Part I that are part of the same research project could be discussed as a single significant contribution, if desired.

For each contribution:

  • describe why it is important, including its impact and significance to the research area and beyond, if applicable
  • describe your role in the research; clarify your contribution to collaborative research and to the actual writing of joint publications
  • discuss the reasons for publishing in certain journals (for example, target audiences, review procedures)
  • provide details, as appropriate, on the significance of technical reports and original research reported in books or technical reports
  • indicate any collaboration with other researchers
  • discuss the relevance of your work to engineering practice or industrial processes, if appropriate

Part III – Applicant’s statement

In this section, group your comments under the following headings:

  • Research experience

    Describe the scientific or engineering abilities that you have gained through your past research experience, including special projects, honours thesis and co-op reports. If you have relevant work experience, discuss the relevance of that experience to your proposed field of study or research and any benefits you gained from it. Do not repeat any information you provided in Part II.
  • Relevant activities – PGS D

Describe your professional, academic and extracurricular activities, interactions, and collaborations that best demonstrate your relevant experience and achievements obtained within and beyond academia. Examples of these include:

    • scholarships, awards and distinctions
    • academic record
    • teaching, mentoring, supervising or coaching
    • managing projects
    • participating in science promotion, community outreach, volunteer work or civic engagement
    • chairing committees or organizing conferences and meetings
    • participating in departmental or institutional organizations, associations, safety committees, societies or clubs
  • Relevant activities – PDF

Describe your professional, academic and extracurricular activities, interactions and collaborations that best demonstrate your relevant communication, interpersonal and leadership skills. Examples of these include:

    • teaching, mentoring, supervising or coaching
    • managing projects
    • participating in science promotion, community outreach, volunteer work or civic engagement
    • chairing committees or organizing conferences and meetings
    • participating in departmental or institutional organizations, associations, safety committees, societies or clubs
    • industrial work experience
    • awards for papers, reports, posters, oral presentations, teaching or volunteer and outreach work
    • showing leadership and active participation in the area of safety, including laboratory safety

For uploading purposes, all three parts of the Contributions and statements section must be saved into a single PDF file.

Special circumstances (optional)

Describe the impact of any special circumstances that may have delayed, disrupted or interrupted studies or research or otherwise affected the performance and or productivity on which the assessment for funding will be made. This includes delays in disseminating research results due to health problems, family responsibilities, parental leave, disabilities, trauma and loss or other applicable circumstances. Explain any gaps in the chronology of your experience (including relevant employment). This section can also be used to describe the impact of COVID-19 on any aspect of the application.

The Special circumstances section should include the following information as needed:

  • The duration of the delay/interruption and, if applicable, a percentage of reduction in workload.
  • A clear description of its impact including, if relevant, the type of research contribution impacted (for example, publications, data collection, presentations, etc.).
  • For delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic, specify the impacts and how they relate to your particular circumstances (for example, lab access, equipment delays, family responsibilities, etc.). Explain what you did to adjust or compensate in response to these impacts. 

Note: You should avoid identifying other individuals in this section.

The review committee members are asked to recognize delays and assess the quality of your performance and productivity during your active period (that is, excluding the period of special circumstances). If your supervisor is unable to provide you with a reference letter, you may use this section to provide an explanation.

Transcripts and proof of registration (attachment)


If you are applying through an eligible Canadian institution, you must confirm directly with your institution their policy on official transcripts and whether or not unofficial transcripts will be accepted as part of their internal review process. For the review process at NSERC, applications submitted with unofficial transcripts will not be rejected.

Transcripts are a mandatory requirement to demonstrate your eligibility for the program for which you are applying. Applications that do not adhere to these instructions and guidelines may be rejected.

If you start a degree program in the fall session of the year of application, you must still provide a transcript that demonstrates registration in your program (proof of registration).

If your institution does not issue transcripts, you must still provide an additional supporting document that demonstrates registration in your degree program (proof of registration).

If your program does not have course work, you must still provide a transcript or an additional supporting document that demonstrates registration in your degree program (proof of registration).

Carefully review the detailed instructions below for both general and program-specific requirements.

General guidelines and requirements:

A complete application includes a copy of all up-to-date official transcripts and, where applicable, an additional supporting document such as a proof of registration. NSERC will not accept transcripts or additional supporting documents submitted under separate cover. Applications must be complete to be considered.

  • Up-to-date transcripts are defined as official transcripts dated or issued in the fall session of the year of application (if currently registered) or after the last term completed (if not currently registered). As new or ongoing studies may not have been completed at the time of application, up-to-date transcripts may be missing new entries or grades.
  • Official transcripts are defined as transcripts issued by the institution’s registrar’s office. Transcripts from other sources, such as those printed from the student’s account on the institution’s website, are not official.
    • Official electronic transcripts issued by the institution’s registrar’s office are considered to be official transcripts and should be submitted in PDF format.
    • Opening and scanning a paper transcript will not render the transcript unofficial.
  • Proof of registration is defined as a document that confirms the status of your current registration in a program. It is only required in cases where the transcripts do not provide that information. For more details, refer to the Additional supporting documents section below.

In addition:

  • If you have transcripts written in a language other than English or French, you must provide a certified English or French translation.
  • Paper transcripts and additional supporting documents such as proofs of registration must be scanned (black and white recommended) and saved as a single PDF file.
  • You must include only one copy of the legend (for each transcript). Do not scan the legend multiple times.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your transcripts are complete and legible once uploaded. This is particularly relevant for transcripts with security features in place to prevent duplication. In all cases, you are responsible for ensuring that your application is complete by reviewing and previewing the final version of the online application before it is submitted to NSERC. Updates to your application package will not be accepted after submission.

PGS D requirements:

  • You must include transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate studies.
    • All programs of study listed in the Academic background section of the application, even if not completed, must be accompanied by transcripts.
    • Transcripts are an integral part of the material evaluated by review committee members.
    • Applications must include all complete and up-to-date transcripts to be considered.
  • If a transcript includes transfer credits from another institution, the grades for these credits must be shown. If the grades are not shown, the original transcript from the other institution must be included in the application. This includes international exchange programs. Exception: Canadian college and CEGEP transcripts are not required (even if they contain transfer credits).
  • If you started or are registered in a degree program in the fall session of the year of application, you must provide a transcript that demonstrates registration in your program.
    • If your transcript does not demonstrate registration and your institution cannot provide transcripts demonstrating current registration in the program, you must provide additional documentation as described in the Additional supporting documents section below.
  • If your doctoral transcript does not indicate the session or term in which you started your doctoral program (if applicable), you must provide additional documentation as described in the Additional supporting documents section below. This information is required to confirm your eligibility. For more information, refer to the Eligibility section of the PGS D program web page.

PDF requirements:

  • Include transcripts of doctoral studies only.
  • If you have already completed your doctoral degree, the date on which you completed all requirements of your doctoral degree must be indicated on your transcript. If this information is not indicated on your transcript, refer to the Additional supporting documents section below. For more information, refer to the Eligibility section of the PDF program web page.

Additional supporting documents

You must provide additional supporting documents if your institution does not provide transcripts or if one of the following situations applies to you:

  • PGS D:
    • Your doctoral transcript does not indicate the session or term in which you started your doctoral program
    • Your doctoral transcript does not demonstrate current registration in the program
    • You start a program in the fall session of the year of application and your institution cannot provide transcripts demonstrating current registration
  • PDF:
    • You have completed your doctoral degree and the date on which you completed all requirements of your doctoral degree is not indicated on your transcript

The additional supporting documentation can be a certificate of matriculation, a letter bearing the official institution seal/stamp or a letter signed by the dean of graduate studies that confirms the missing information.

This document must confirm:

  • your program of study
  • your registration status
  • the date on which you started the program of study
  • the fact that the institution does not provide transcripts (not necessary for a certificate of matriculation), if applicable
  • the date on which all the requirements of your doctoral degree were met, if applicable

Troubleshooting attaching PDF documents

If the size of your transcript attachment is not accepted by the system, the following message may appear: “PDF must be in 8.5” x 11” (216 mm x 279 mm) format.”

To resolve this issue, please try the following:

  • open the file in your PDF software
  • go to File > Print
  • in the Printer field, select your PDF software
  • under Properties > Layout > Advanced > Paper size, select Letter (8.5” x 11”)
  • click OK
  • return to the Print window and click Print
  • save your file as a PDF document and upload it to the system

If you are still experiencing difficulties, contact the online services helpdesk by sending an email to or by calling 1-855-275-2861. Include your email address and telephone number in your message.

Reference letters

Each application submitted to NSERC must be accompanied by two reference letters.

The letters must be completed by persons capable of making an informed assessment.

  • One letter should be from a person very familiar with your research and other abilities; for example, current academic research supervisor or industrial supervisor (in the case of co-op students), previous academic research, industrial or Undergraduate Student Research Award supervisor.
  • The second letter should be from a person sufficiently familiar with your research and other abilities to provide a meaningful commentary.
  • A reference letter cannot be completed by a proposed supervisor unless that person is currently your supervisor or has been your supervisor in the past.
  • If your current or past supervisor is unable to provide you with a reference letter, you may use the Special circumstances section to provide an explanation.

For additional guidance on selecting a strong reference, refer to Video 9 of the Scholarships & Fellowships program application tutorials:  Advice and tips for writing an application.

What you should do:

  • Contact your proposed references to ensure they are willing to complete a letter for you.
  • In the Reference letters page of your application, enter the name and email address of each of the references who will be completing a letter, as well as the deadline on which you would like the letter to be completed, which you select from a pop-up calendar. You must not select the application deadline date but instead choose a date that is well before the application deadline to allow you to successfully submit your completed application on time.
  • Once the information is saved, the system will generate an email to each reference, inviting them to complete a reference letter. References will have access to your in-progress or completed application.
  • Contact your references to inform them that you have sent them a letter to complete.
  • Provide your references with the selection criteria of the relevant program (PGS D or PDF) and the Instructions for completing a reference letter – form 201 web page.
  • You can verify the status of the request on the Reference letters page.
  • If your reference has completed the letter and the status on your Portfolio is not showing Document Completed, it means that your reference has not verified completeness by selecting Verify in their portfolio. You must contact the reference and ask that the letter be verified in order for it to be attached to your application. Once the reference has verified the letter successfully, accepted the terms and conditions and clicked the submit button, the status of the letter on your Portfolio will change to Document Completed.
  • Your application will remain incomplete until both letters have been submitted.
  • NSERC recommends following up with your references, as you will be unable to submit your application until both letters are received.

This page offers three functionalities:

  1. Delete: Allows you to delete a letter.
  2. Resend: Allows you to send a reminder to your references.
  3. Unlock: Allows you to unlock the letter once it has been completed so changes can be made by the reference. Unlocking the letter does not allow you to view the letter. Once it is unlocked, you must select the Resend function to resubmit the invitation to the reference. Inform your reference that the letter has been unlocked to allow them to make the required modifications and resubmit the letter.


Before you can submit your application to NSERC, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions of applying that appear in a pop-up window during the submission process. By signing the terms and conditions, you attest that the information included within your application file is accurate and complete. It is your responsibility to retain a copy of the agreed terms and conditions for your records.

The signatures of the institutional authorities (if applicable) certify that:

List for a complete application

Use the following lists to make sure your application for a PGS D or PDF (form 201) is complete.

PGS D complete application
Value PDF complete application
  • Application profile
  • Personal profile
  • Addresses
  • Academic background
  • Academic, research and other relevant work experience
  • Awards
  • Proposed location(s) of tenure
  • Scholarship or fellowship information
  • Theses completed or in progress
  • Keywords and research subject code
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in the research process
  • Outline of proposed research (attachment; two pages)
  • Bibliography (optional attachment; five pages)
  • Justification for eligibility of proposed research (optional attachment; one page)
  • Contributions and statements (attachment; two pages)
  • Special circumstances (optional attachment)
  • Transcripts and proof of registration (attachment)
  • Reference letters
  • Application profile
  • Personal profile
  • Addresses
  • Academic background
  • Academic, research and other relevant work experience
  • Awards
  • Proposed location(s) of tenure
  • Justification for location of tenure
  • Theses completed or in progress
  • Keywords and research subject code
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion considerations in the research process
  • Outline of proposed research (attachment; two pages)
  • Bibliography (optional attachment; one page)
  • Justification for eligibility of proposed research (optional attachment; one page)
  • Contributions and statements (attachment; four pages)
  • Special circumstances (optional attachment)
  • Transcripts and proof of registration (attachment)
  • Reference letters

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