Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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This page will be updated mid-September.

Summary of Changes – 2008 Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide

  1. NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR have revised the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide. A summary of the most significant changes appears below.
  2. The Summary of Changes to the NSERC Program Guide for Professors is also available.
  3. The This link will take you to another Web site Summary of Changes to the CIHR This link will take you to another Web site Grants and Awards Guide is also available.

Financial Administration

Section and Sub-section

Nature of Changes

Responsibilities and Accountability

Deviation from Proposed Activities and/or Budget

NSERC and SSHRC only

  • Sections removed.
  • The NSERC only section was removed because the deviation requirements are already included in the Award Letter to grantees.
  • The SSHRC only section was removed because the RTS deviation requirement is already included on the SSHRC web site in the RTS literature.

Intellectual Property/Patents

  • SSHRC harmonized with the NSERC and CIHR only section.


  • Added web site address for its policy on Intellectual Property.

Archiving of Research Data

CIHR only

  • New section added.

 Annual Funding of Grants

Communication of Competition Results

CIHR only

  • Section removed. Text now fully harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

Payment of Grants

NSERC and SSHRC only

  • Section removed. Text now fully harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

Continuing Eligibility

NSERC only

  • Section removed. Information will be provided to grantees and university administrators as required.

Extension Period for Use of Funds Beyond Grant Period

CIHR only

  • Text fully harmonized with NSERC and SSHRC.

NSERC only

  • Chairs for Women in Sciences and Engineering, NRC/NSERC/BDG Nanotechnology Initiative added to the “Extension by request only” section.

SSHRC only

  • In the “Automatic Extension Period” section, Research, Networking, Workshop/Conference Grants changed to Research, Workshop/Conference/Summer Institute Grants.
  • Research Development Initiatives moved from “Extension by request only” section to the “Automatic Extension Period” section.
  • Chairs in the Management of Technological Change, Initiative on the New Economy (Collaborative Research Initiatives) have been removed from the “Extension by request only” section.
  • Industrial-Community-University Research Alliances added to the “Extension by request only” section.

Use of Grant Funds

Retroactive Expenses

CIHR only

  • NSERC and SSHRC harmonized with the CIHR only section.

SSHRC only

  • Section removed.

Compensation-Related Expenses – Eligible Expenses

CIHR only

Information (see first and last bullet):

  • Added following text to first bullet: and trainees being paid from a grant e.g., undergraduate, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows.
  • Added following text to last bullet: paid in whole or in part from a CIHR grant.

Travel and Subsistence Costs

Eligible Expenses

  • Remove NSERC and SSHRC only section (Trips are limited to 125 days per person per annum).

Other types of eligible travel expenses

NSERC and SSHRC only  

  • Section harmonized with CIHR.

CIHR only

  • Child care expenses for nursing mother section has been updated.

Sabbatical and Leave Periods

Non-eligible Expenses

NSERC and CIHR only

  • Bullet removed (last bullet).

Computers and Electronic Communications

Eligible Expenses

CIHR only

  • Last bullet has been harmonized with NSERC and SSHRC.

Non-Eligible Expenses

  • Bullets 5 and 6 amalgamated and harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

Dissemination of Research Results

Eligible Expenses

  • New information added to 3rd and 5th bullets.

Services and Miscellaneous Expenses

Eligible Expenses

CIHR only

  • Costs associated with the submission of a renewal operating grant... removed.
  • Costs of membership fees harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.


Financial Reporting

CIHR only

  • Section removed to create harmonization between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR documentation. These requirements remain and will be communicated directly to the institutions by CIHR.

Supporting Evidence

CIHR only

  • Section removed. Text fully harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

Administrative Matters

Paid Parental Leave

  • Title changed to Paid Parental Leave For Students and Postdoctoral Fellows.

CIHR only

  • Fourth bullet removed.

Transfering Grant(s) to an Eligible Canadian Institution

CIHR only

New information

Deferral of Instalment Payments

  • Title has been changed to Deferral of Instalment/Annual Commitment Payments and includes amalgamated text from Deferral of the Start Date of a Grant. Text harmonized between NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR.

Deferral of the Start Date of a Grant

  • Text in this section amalgamated to text in Deferral of Instalment/Annual Commitment Payments.
  • The Grantee may request to defer the start date of their grant, up to a maximum of one year. Refer to the Deferral of Instalment/Annual Commitment Payments for more details on deferring the start date of a grant.

Residual Balances

SSHRC only

  • Section removed.