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2019 Research Grants Competition - Results by Institution

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Applicant name Program Title EG Term Amount awarded
Chesnaux, Romain
Sciences appliquées
RGPIN A multi-tool, multi-method approach for improved qualitative and quantitative characterization of hydraulic groundwater relationships and resources 1509 5 $31,000.00
Kocaefe, Duygu
Sciences appliquées
RGPIN Improvement of carbon anode quality in view of reducing energy consumption and environmental emissions in aluminum industry 1511 5 $46,000.00
Menelas, Bob-Antoine Jerry
Informatique et de mathématique
RGPIN Exploitation de différents modes de rendus haptiques pour de meilleures interactions 1507 5 $28,000.00
Petrillo, Fabio
Informatique et de mathématique
RGPIN Building software quality models for computer games 1507 5 $23,000.00
Rautio, Milla
Sciences fondamentales
RGPIN Biogeochemical and ecological consequences of the freeze-melt cycle of freshwater ice 1503 5 $55,000.00
Rebaine, Djamal
Informatique et de mathématique
RGPIN Ordonnancement : modèles, algorithmes et applications 1509 5 $31,000.00
Saeidi, Ali
Sciences appliquées
RGPIN Probabilistic assessment of the vulnerability of buildings in seismic regions 1509 5 $26,000.00
volat, christophe
Sciences appliquées
RGPIN Développement d'outils pour diagnostiquer la performance et la dégradation des isolateurs composites haute tension 1510 5 $28,000.00